Sunday, May 28, 2006

Nike+ and Apple

Personally I don't fancy this kind of stuff,my favorite trainers are basics,but I thought was nice cause I love Apple tech and they have great maybe could be a good challenge!!!

Nike and Apple, here the shoes that speak with the iPod .
Announced the launch of Sport Kit Nike+iPod, a system wireless that it allows the footwear to find some data and to transmit them to the device.
In order to magnify Covered distance, burnt calories, passed time and much music. All on the display of yours iPod wearing one of the last creations of Nike for the race, like as an example the new Nike+ Air Zoom Moire.
From the collaboration between the two companies the Sport Kit Nike+iPod is been born in fact, a system wireless that allows the Nike+ footwear to find, thanks to one special sensor, some data and to transmit them iPod Nano.
Moreover, the kit has a system of vocal synthesis that, to cadences predefined, reads the data from the sensor and elaborates from the iPod.
“We are working with Nike in order to carry music and the sport to an advanced level - Steve Jobs has asserted, CEO of Apple -. It's like having a personal trainer or a companion of training that motivates the customer to every step”.
In some cases, indeed, it can be just said that it spurs it: is enough to activate one particular song, named exactly “Power Song”.
The relative data to the several sessions of training can be memorized and then recorded on your computer using iTunes or on a Nike website.
Nike has intention to launch on the market numerous models of compatible shoes with the sensor: those announced,so far, are Air Zoom Plus, Air Max Moto, Nike Shox Turbo OH, Air Max 180, Nike Shox Navina, and Air Max 90.
The collaboration between Apple and Nike estended also to the contents: the two companies are in fact developing a section on the iTunes Music Store where they will be able to download podcast created from Nike with training councils from experts.
The new Sport Kit Nike+iPod will be available in next the two months to the cost of 29 euro on-line through the stores - Apple and Nike-or Niketown and NikeWomen.
You needs a pair of Nike+ , iPod Nano and a Mac with USB 2,0, OS X or later version and iTunes 6.0.5; or a PC Windows with door USB 2,0, Windows 2000, XP Home or Professional (SP2) and iTunes 6.0.5.

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