Friday, April 28, 2006

Anonymous Sneakerholic

"Hi My Name Is Lady Sneak and I'm a Sneaker Person"

People meet you around look in the eye.
Sneaker people keep their eyes down.
People think your shoes match your clothes.
Sneaker people know it works the other way around.
People think sneakers are 4 sports..mam,they have got a lot to learn.
Sneaker people know who they are.
They’ve got the gear and they’re not afraid to wear it.
Some of us are born that way.
Some grow into it.
If it happens to you,don’t try to fight it,you can't!
Just hang on and enjoy the ride.
Warning signs?Ask yourself a few simple questions:
-Do you save the box?
-Is your sneakers count in double digits?
-Do you keep your all white Air Force One super clean?
-Does it hurt when someone refers to your brand new nike air max Amsterdam as the “brown ones”?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then you,too,could have the sneaker gene.
So,what’s it gonna be?
Are you people?
Or are you sneaker people?

Don't worry too much..keep it funny!


Curator said...

The best thing about having tons of sneaks is that they all stay new looking for soooo long! Coworkers and passersby are green with envy about my prolific footwear. When they begrudgingly compliment my kicks, I just smile and say, "Thank you."

Anonymous said...

I am a self confessed bookworm but this is easily my favourist book. I love the photography, layout and the descriptions are exactly right. Love it.

Nice blog btw